Thursday, December 4, 2008

paintings before opening
Michael G.'s sculpture (house) and photographs (projection); Grayson's Cox; Teruyuki Matsuyama's photographs; Eric Guerrero; Mayen Alcantara

Annie Shaw's drawing and Paul Pfeiffer's video

Christi B.'s drawing
Murad Khan

photograph of part of David Medalla's painting (left)

Michael G.
Murad Khan
Jon Cuyson
Mayen Alcantara
Jomar Statkun (white frame with light)
elena bajo
dominic and jon

Michael Berryhill (above) and a mix of paintings and drawings (below)
Mayen Alcantara

Daniela Rivera's sculpture crates
Ivan Sarenas' photographs
Daniela Rivera's sculpture

Jon Cuyson's collage
Jon Cuyson's collage (left) Ivan Sarenas' photographs (middle); Elena Bajo's sound piece (left)
pre-opening installation shot

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